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Music Memories + Songs

Saturday, March 20, 2010

On estatecarinsurance.com

Until recently, I didn't listen to any music through the Internet. Now I'm surprised that I ignored this for so long. I'm now listening to a classic rock station, which is a term I hate though I enjoy the music, that plays almost continuously without commercials. And I get more variety than when I'd go to my local library branch and check out five or six CDs and play those on a player for a week, then go back to get new ones. I'm hearing artist and artist in a mix. Plus I've found a site that has tons of Indian music, which I enjoy, including lots of Bollywood music, which I've developed a taste for. I'm still trying to find a similar site for Filipino music. All I get are Filipino radio stations, but they interrupt the music with talk and commercials, which I hate. For more information on what's available online go to estatecarinsurance.com and check out what you can there. Won't be music but something important anyway.


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