On a fat burner
It's well-known that music stars are not good role models for health. Few of them are fat, but it's more from using illegal substances as a fat burner, rather than a healthy supplement to take off weight. I recently talked to a guy who used to be a music journalist here in St Louis, though, and he argued with me that most groups these days do not do many illegal drugs, certainly not like the old days when cocaine and so on were routine. He told me that he'd been on many tour buses and partied with the groups, and said the only drug that was freely available and openly consumed was alcohol. Marijuana had to be there too, but no harder illegal drugs. Plus, he didn't see much evidence of groupies. Most of the groups just relaxed on a bus after the show, getting drunk, but then later the bus left the city to take them to their next stop. They didn't really have the convenience, privacy and comfort of hotel rooms.
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