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Music Memories + Songs

Sunday, December 06, 2009

On lighting fixture

I'm listening to a 4 CD set of the Grateful Dead in concert in England back in 1972. I'm glad I didn't buy it -- I get my CDs at the local library, so I can hear a lot of variety at no charge, just the short drive there and back. I was never a big Deadhead. I liked their first album, but their second one Anthem of the Sun was a long rambling acid party soundtrack and just didn't make sense. They did some good songs after that, such as One Toke over the Line, but I just never got deep into them the way I did so many other groups and artists back then. This concert is okay, but just okay, so after I'm done with the first playing I won't waste time on it again. It's more interesting than a lighting fixtures but so far I've heard nothing to thrill me. Maybe it'd be different if I'd heard them while on acid. Maybe not.

On health savings accounts

As an investment writer, I haven't checked out a health savings account much. But it certainly sounds like a good idea. I want to check out what you're allowed to spend the money on, however. If you're not allowed to spend it on vitamins and alternative therapies, then it could be a waste of money. I am afraid of having an accident and wracking up large medical bills in an emergency room, but I'm more afraid of having cancer or something else horrible like that and being told my insurance will only cover the treatments that will poison me and probably won't even work. I think conventional cancer treatment is a huge scam for the most part. I think my real health insurance is the vitamins, minerals, supplements and fish oil capsules I take.